So if you’re a senior graduating this spring, you probably have a month or a month and a half left until that day. Now, unlike graduating high school, where it’s a celebration to get to the best four years of your life, graduating college is a little different.  Sure, it is still a celebration of your hard work and the best four years you’ll ever have, but it is bittersweet. Any recent graduates you know have probably told you that post-grad life is nothing compared to being in college. So if you are indeed graduating, you probably have a case of the blues, not wanting all of this bliss to end to hit the real world. We aren’t saying we are here to make everything better, but these four ideas can certainly brighten your mood, and give you something to look forward too.

Plan a graduation trip

This is a pretty popular idea, and for good reason: it works. Planning a trip for the days after you graduate, is the perfect way to go out on top. Grab your friends, and live it up one last time before the real world comes. Whether it’s a road trip to a beach, a backpacking trip across Europe, or a jet set to a tropical paradise to rage, make it a good one. Think of it as a second Spring Break, before you have to get serious.

Party for one last summer

College party

We are sure some of your friends and classmates are talking about those real world jobs they plan to get right after graduating, and some may already have start dates by the end of May. That’s great and all, but you have the rest of your life to be an adult, be responsible and to make money. Want to feel better about graduating? Take this summer and live it up for the entire summer one last time. Take a part time job like you have in the past summers, and hit the beach, travel, and rage on a Tuesday night, because you can. Don’t start a real world job until after Labor Day weekend, because face it, you will be working for the next 40 years and most likely won’t ever have another entire summer off.

Throw a couple last ragers

GraduationOkay so you only have 6 weeks of college life left. What are you going to do, sit around and mope? Not at all. Plan out and throw a few last rippers, because let’s face it, there is no reason not to. You aren’t getting your security deposit back, you are already graduating so class means nothing, you might as well throw a party or two that people will talk about 10 years down the road. It’s spring weather, so that means day drinking that turns into night drinking. A beach themed party, with a pool included would be perfect. You get the idea, get out there and give the people what they want.

Go after the one you’ve had your eye on

Is there someone that you’ve had your eye on all year, or maybe even all four years? Someone you’ve been scoping out at the bar every time you go, or that has popped up multiple times in classes you’ve taken? Maybe they are way out of your league, and the past people they have dated are far superior. Well guess what, you have 6 weeks left to sack up and go for the gold. At this point, what do you have to lose if you get turned down? Most likely they are from a different city or a different state than you, and after graduating will be heading home for a bit or moving somewhere else, and you may never see them again besides maybe on Facebook. Go for it, and ask them out, slide in their DMs, whatever you need to do to get one shot with them. It will be worth it.