617087255-green_bikini_nice_assSpring Break may seem like light-years away, and let’s face it, you are not nearly in the physical shape you want to be in to be strutting around a hot beach with thousands of other coeds. Most people will wait until about two weeks before they depart for Spring Break to look down at their flabby gut and pancake butt to realize they need to do something. Guess what? Too late! In order to achieve that body that would make a Greek God or Goddess jealous, you should start planning now.  Here are two tips that everyone can use to fill out that bathing suit so you aren’t the person wearing the t-shirt in the pool the entire week.


bigstock-sport-girl-doing-squatting-exe-387808273 Butts. Guys love a girl with a nice money maker, girls are envious of other girls with a bubble but, and to be honest, girls like guys with a nice caboose. There are plenty of ways to get there, but the most common, and effective way is the good old fashioned squat. That’s right, spread your feet a bit wider than shoulder width, and drop that monkey toward the ground nice and parallel, nice and slow. What do you know, this also helps you get ready for that dance contest on the stage that your father would gauge his eyes out with a rusty fork if he ever witnessed.


Max n Lacie Beach fun 2 webAbs. Guy or girl, it doesn’t matter. If you have a stomach that could grate cheese, the opposite sex is going to want to rub their sweaty body on you. So get down on the floor, lie on your back, and slightly crunch those shoulders up off the ground, toward the sky. While keeping that position, straighten your legs out and slowly raise your feet off the ground until they are perpendicular to the floor. Raise your hips off the floor at the top of the motion, and slowly return your feet to just a few inches above the ground. Repeat over and over until your stomach splits in half.

These two movements are just a start of what can really bring out your inner Arnold. Start now, and you won’t regret it on Spring Break when you have people stampeding after you.