May is a popular month to start planning those summer vacations you think about all year. Besides Spring Break, the summer getaway may be the second best week of the year, because you usually go all out. Before you book that flight though, you should do a bit of planning beforehand to make the most out of your trip. The last thing you want to do is look forward all summer to a great trip, only to have it be nothing like you expected and a waste of money. Here are three tips to planning your summer vacation:

Know the season may be summer where you are, but that does not mean that it’s 95 and sunny everywhere else. Different countries and locations have different weather patterns in the summer, and you should take note of this. In some places it may be the rainy season where others it may be a cloudy month, such as a typical June in southern California. The worst thing in the world would be to plan a week vacation for fun in the sun and end up spending the entire time in thunderstorms. Do a little bit of research on the time that you are planning on spending there. It will really pay off.

Plan for party vs. relaxation big part of planning your summer trip is knowing what you want to get out of it. Do you want to rage face on the beach throttling beers with a lot of like-minded people, or do you want to be able to sit in the sun with a book in your hand and let the sound of the waves wash away any other thoughts? Deciding this early on is important, so you don’t head to an area that is the opposite of what you want. Look up the area that you want to head to, and make sure it’s not old people season that will interfere with your blackout drinking and banging randoms.

Know your budget how much you can afford to spend before you head on your trip is a big asset to planning it out. If you don’t want any extra expenses, an all-inclusive resort may be a good option. If you think you are good with your money, and won’t spend it on unnecessary items, then a cheaper route is not going all-inclusive. As long as you make sure you have enough money to get home, than you are all set. A good tip is to set aside a certain amount of money, and not touch your credit card unless an emergency arises.