Now that school is in full swing, and the first couple weekends of partying your eyeballs out is in the past, looking ahead to other events during the year is in order, namely Spring Break. It may seem like light-years away, but in reality it is only 6 months away, and with the amount of booze you consume every weekend, time will fly by. Next thing you know there are 3 weeks until you leave for Spring Break, and you still have no idea what to do. Avoid all of this by starting your search now. It is going to be a headache to get all of your friends on the same page no matter when you do it, but imagine how bad this will be if you wait until the last minute. Here are three reasons you should look into booking your Spring Break now, rather than wait:
Great deals are happening now
A lot of companies and websites offer early bird deals on packages, so why not take advantage of them? Starting to scope out destinations for Spring Break now, can certainly keep your wallet fatter, and you and your group can earn extra incentives. How great a feeling would it be to be on Spring Break and know that the group next to you on the beach is getting the same package as you, but they paid $500 more a person because they waited until December to book? You can save on flights, hotel rooms, and bar covers by planning it out now. You may not think you have the money for it now, but realistically you are going to spend your money on beer every weekend from now until Spring Break, so what makes you think you will have any more money saved up in 4 months than you do now? Avoid the increases in prices and book now.
Get it out of the way
Sure, it may be overwhelming to think about now, and tough to get your friends on board, but it’s better than scrambling 2 months before you leave for Spring Break. If you let that happen, you might end up with a dump of a hotel, expensive fees, or worse yet, not a destination you even wanted. There are headaches to booking any trip, but getting it out of the way let’s you focus on other more important things, such as training your liver for the next 6 months, and working on that beach body. Once you settle everything you need, then you don’t have to have that in the back of your mind. Plus, you can start getting amped up for it now, instead of hearing everyone else talking about their trip that they booked.
More people can always join
Most likely, a reason you haven’t booked Spring Break yet is because you or your friends are unsure if they can swing it. A lot of companies and hotel rooms will allow more people to join after a few have already decided. Just getting your name and a deposit in there works for businesses, and this allows others in your group to decide a bit later. Also, this can help convince some friends that may be on the edge of deciding whether or not to book. Once they hear you and the others talking about how many beers you’re going to smash on the beach, they will want to book sooner rather than later. Next thing you know, you have a group of 20 of you raging on the beach for a week, destroying everything in your path.