In America, kindergartners are finger-painting and shoving wooden cubes into cylinder-shaped holes. Meanwhile, in China, kindergartners are learning, applying and practicing mathematics. Now, what’s wrong with that picture? Here’s another mind-boggler. Check out one of the most famous Chinese drinking games – Jiuling.
Would you ever believe that math and a group of drunks could ever get along? Well, Chinese drunkards have invented a drinking game that sneaks in the use of the right side of your brain, keeping your brain sharp, all the while simultaneously getting you completely hammered. This is how you play:
- To start this powerhouse of drinking games, first, grab a group of people – its best with 4 or more. Now, one person will start the game by becoming the guesser. Determine who will be the guesser – however you want: by flipping a coin, picking a number between 1 – 10, whatever.
- What the guesser does is he/she has to watch the other players as they write numbers in the air with their fingers. Usually, the numbers used are between 1 and 20, but you can always change those rules. In addition, the guesser needs to make sure the players are not writing numbers in the air all at the same time. One person will write a number in the air – then, after the guesser acknowledges that he/she saw the number, the next person writes their number in the air and so on.
- Now, the guesser has to add up all those numbers and guess the amount. After the guesser makes his educated guess, all the group members have to reveal the number they wrote in the air. Everyone tallies up the amount and if the guesser has guessed correctly, everyone (not including the guesser) drinks. If the guesser is incorrect, he/she has to drink.
- Then, a new person becomes the guesser and the game continues on until someone’s head explodes. The most sober person at the end of the night cleans up the brains on the floor and wall. Drinking games with a dash of math – who would’ve known they’d make a great combination?