
More alcohol
Hair of the dog, right?! You have heard this one before, and it can definitely help. The last thing you might want to do when you have a massive hangover is continue to drink, but it will help you out. Sure, it may be true that drinking more is not exactly eliminating your hangover so much as just delaying it until later, but at this point who cares? Slam a few mimosas at breakfast, or finish that half full beer sitting on your beer pong table. If you end up drunk 4 hours later from the continuous party that you just started, don’t blame us.
Greasy food

This one does work, but it is boring as sin. Pounding water will help flush out your system and allow you to pee out any toxins you may have. Water will help your headache, and replenish the dehydrated body you feel. If you really want to help your hangover, chug water until you feel like you’re about to puke. It may be uncomfortable at the time, but it will help you in the long run.
Sweat it out
Another way to get out those booze filled toxins from your body is to sweat it out. Whether this is from hitting the gym, sitting in the sun, having rigorous sex, or hopping in the sauna, just sweat. You may not want to do physical exercise with your head feeling like a brick of cement, and your stomach feeling like two cats trapped in a bag, but it’ll be worth it. Sweating out the night before is glorious, and can make you feel good as new after taking a refreshing shower as well.